Simon 🎙️ Microsoft Partner Podcast

By Maxx Glans April 16, 2024

Bicep, Azure Verified Modules and Infrastructure as Code

Simon Wåhlin recently had the honor to guest the Microsoft Partner Podcast to discuss Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Bicep and Azure Verified Modules.

Why are these topics so important for deploying an application quickly? How can it help with security and minimize the risk of essential knowledge becoming stuck with individual persons?

What is Microsoft Partnerpodden?

Microsoft Partnerpodden is a Swedish podcast produced by Microsoft, targeted primarily at IT professionals. It discusses a variety of technology-focused topics, particularly how Microsoft tools and services can be used effectively in the tech industry. The podcast often features technical experts and explores topics like cloud strategies and the impact of new technologies.

Listen now

The episode is available in Swedish and can be found on:

🎧 Spotify:

Microsoft Partnerpodden